Monday, December 1, 2008

Elijah's first Thanksgiving and preparing for Christmas

This was Elijah's first Thanksgiving and he is completely exhausted as a result. We spent Wednesday driving home, which is ok because he sleeps in the car. Wednesday night we went to my mother in laws and got home pretty late, especially since his bed time is 7:30. Thanksgiving was pretty laid back, except for the fact that Elijah's stomach as been messed up because of his teething. His thanksgiving dinner consisted of a biter biscuit and some Sweet potato and turkey baby food (he really liked it).

Friday was a hectic day. We got up early to take Elijah to his Grammy's house. (This was his first time to stay with anyone besides daycare) Jonah and I went shopping for a couple of hours before we went to his grandparents house for Thanksgiving. He was so exhausted by the time that was over because everyone had to see and play with him. Saturday was a fun filled day of driving home.

Sunday was a day of preparing for Christmas. We aren't coming to be home much for Christmas so we put up a small tree.

I also felt like being crafty and created a glass block with Christmas lights that looks like a Christmas present. It was pretty simple to do except for the bow.

My sister is graduating from Nursing school on December 20th in Kentucky so our Christmas decorations are kind of sparse. We aren't going to be home for Christmas. I would not have even bothered with a tree had this not been Elijah's first Christmas. He loves lights. The Christmas tree really fascinates him.

Well thats all for now.

1 comment:

Susannah said...

I think the present is pretty neat! His hair is long!