Friday, December 5, 2008

Blessed and Stressed

I would consider myself a truly blessed women. I have a loving husband, a beautiful son, a wonderful family, a job (those hard to come by in this economy) and good health. The good Lord has been good to me. HOWEVER, if you have not been home alone with a 7 month old for a week, try it and see if you are not stressed by the end of the week.

My husband has been on a business trip this week and left me at home alone with our 7 month old son. Don't get me wrong he is a REALLY good baby, even though he is cutting two teeth, had a cold and had to get shots this week. But it is really hard to get up in the morning and true to get you and him ready to go to daycare, which means I give him his food and bottle, get his clothes on, make his bottles and baby food for day care, and then try to get myself ready. All of this occurs from 5:15-6:45 in the morning. Granted I do some prep work the night before but it is not easy. That is all before work. I drop him off at daycare at 7:00, get to work by 7:20, teach until 3:10 and go get Elijah from daycare. Then I have to go home and put away everything from daycare (bottles, dirty clothes, etc), wash his dishes, dry them, put his formula in his bottles, and prep things for him to have his bottle at 6:00. From 6:00 to 7:00 is another story. Elijah eats a bottle at 6 :00. Then as soon as we finishes that it is time for a bath. He gets dried off, his eczema ointment put on his arms and legs, his pajamas on and ready to eat his baby food by 7:00. I tell you what by the time I put him in bed I am exhausted (which is normally by 7:30). Then I might find time to get some supper for myself.

To make matters worse, just when I thought I was going to get a break from being single parent my mother-in-law called my husband and asked him to go with her to Mobile (3 hours away- one way) and get a refrigerator from his brothers house. I was NOT thrilled with this at ALL. I was looking forward to spending time with my husband tomorrow but oh well for that. I guess the part that made me the most angry was the fast that he didn't even realize how tired I was. MEN don't think sometimes.

Well enough of my rantings for now.

1 comment:

Susannah said...

I totally think you need a rest. LEt Eli and Jonah hang out on Sunday while you sleep in.