Thursday, August 4, 2011

Rain, Rain, go AWAY

Well, the title might be a little misleading. I am not actually talking about the weather although I could go on FOREVER about how hot it is here in the deep South, I mean seriously, we are under a heat advisor ALL week. SO looking forward to fall. I am referring to the phrase "When it rains, it pours". That is exactly how I would describe my life right now. Let me paint you a picture. Starting Monday we noticed Elijah had a rash on the front of both leg. I knew deep down it was poison ivy. SO, we started an extermination process. It continues today with a trip to Pri-med for some steroids. In the process of all this I managed to get it in my eye. I, however can't take Steroids because of breastfeeding. So I am stuck taking eye drops for 7 days. Meanwhile I am washing my hands like crazy to make sure Serra doesn't get it. If that isn't enough, Jonah is out of town for work so I am on extermination duty by myself.

I wish that were all. I got a notice in the mail that this would be my last week of unemployment. I was thinking "GREAT". So, I had to call the unemployment office (which took 45 minutes) and get that straightened out. I am hoping that I don't miss a week of benefits.

I am sure I am missing something. The only thing that is getting me through is the good Lord. Pray for me if you get a chance. I have some more things going on that I can't talk about.

Until next time my friends...

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Blogging Hiatus

WELL, as you probably have figured out I have not blogged in FOREVER!! I have 2 reasons why....

Actually, I have more than 2 reasons but these are the 2 main ones. OK lets get you caught up. Since I have last blogged I was hospitalized for a week for a pregnancy related illness. Part of it was related to high blood pressure and protein in my urine. It looked like the beginnings of the dreaded P word... PREECLAMPSIA. PRAISE the LORD that everything turned around and I was able to carry my beautiful baby girl FULL TERM. That is most definitely an answered prayer.

Elijah broke his arm the day before she was born. YES you read that right. He broke it at PUMP IT UP. He did pretty well with it.


Born May18, 2011
7:38 AM
7 lbs 13 oz
19 inches long

We are slowly finding our new normal as a family of four. Our days are crazy but great. Just learning how to fit everything in the day. We LOVE it though and would not have it any other way.

She is such a good baby. She rarely ever cries. She sleeps very well at NIGHT. NOT so great during the day. Which can make for very long days for me. I am so thankful for the reinforcements to arrive at 5:30 every night. She loves to smile. It spreads over her whole face. Anything music is a favorite of hers. She will just sit and listen with a happy look on her face. She is getting to the really fun stage. She LOVES to eat. At her two month check up she already weighed 11lbs 1 oz., was 23 inches long and was in the 75% for head measurement. She is a happy healthy baby.

I have found a new obsession PINTEREST. I love it. It is like a social bookmarking website. You are able to pin things that you like into categories and other people can see what you have pinned and can choose to repin it if they like.

I am also fixing to learn to SEW. PLEASE PRAY FOR ME!! I have alot of Elijah's pants that I need to turn into something girly for her. I can't wait to show you the results. Here is an example of what I am thinking about doing.

I love the boutique style pants with the ruffles. They are so cute.

I am going to try to get better about blogging so stay tuned for more Harris' happenings.

Monday, March 14, 2011


Hey Guys,

If you like boutique style clothes, check out this giveaway:

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Applique Shirts! A must if you are having a sweet little girl like me!

Hey Guys. I know it has been awhile but I am busy preparing for my sweet little girl Serra Grace! She is due to make her grand appearance on May 18th if everything goes as planned. Since I am busy preparing I was looking at clothes and ran across this great little shop call Hang to Dry. She has the cutest applique shirts at INCREDIBLY reasonable prices. She is also a Stay at home mom. SO if you are wanting to get some cute applique shirts for your girls or boys. CHECK HER OUT!!