Saturday, March 28, 2009

Attitude of Gratitude

As of late I have been aware of more and more babies and children who have died or are extremely ill. My heart is broken for those families and yet I rejoice. I rejoice at the fact that my son who had to stay 12 days in the NICU is happy and healthy. I rejoice everytime I look back and see how far he has come. I rejoice in the fact that in a short month my son whom I love with all of my heart will turn 1. I rejoice in every moment I have with that beautiful little boy. I love you so much Elijah Logan Harris.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

The winds of change and Break through

Well, I know as you grow older things change. In my case it is my eyesight. I found out yesterday that my headaches are caused from my farsightedness. I went for an eye exam because my eye has been twitching. Come to find out, the twitch is from stress and fatique. Oh well, being a school teacher and mom I am not about to get rid of either very soon. I am went today to pick out my glasses. I got suckered. I went in to look at the $99.95 glasses and 2 for $99.99. Of course, they were UGLY. I am no fashionista but I do know those were not for me. I love my glasses. I am not one to normally go for red but what do you think.

I don't need them all the time only when I read and work at the computer. With Elijah, I made sure they could withstand constant grabbing from lttle hand.

On a different subject, my little one is NO longer toothless. We have on little tooth that just broke through the skin. I am ecstatic. He is 10 1/2 months and is just now getting a tooth. I am hoping more are on their way.

Prayer request: A co-worker of Susannah and myself lost her husband on Friday. Would you please pray that the Lord of all things bring peace and comfort to the Davis family. We love you Mrs. Davis. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

World of Firsts

Yesterday, my little boy got his first haircut. Mommy was brave, she didn't cry. I do have some regrets though. Now instead of looking like a baby her looks like a little man. I know he has to grow up, but does it really have to be so fast. He did really good. He squirmed very little. His haircut looks so good. Here are the before and after.




Isn't my little man SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO handsome. I love you Elijah Logan

Thursday, March 12, 2009

10 months

My little boy is now 10 1/2 months old. He has learned so much in the last month. He is crawling, pulling up and trying to walk. Boy can he fly. He has learned to wave hi and bye and has learned lots of new sounds (Squealing is the least of my favorites).

He also took his first zoo trip. See how cute he is.

He also learned (more like his daddy taught him) to stick out his tongue like KISS. Aren't my boys something else.

He is growing up so fast. So many times I find myself busy and unable to really enjoy the times I have with him. Things can wait. My beautiful baby boy can't. Mommy loves you, Elijah Logan.