Thursday, March 12, 2009

10 months

My little boy is now 10 1/2 months old. He has learned so much in the last month. He is crawling, pulling up and trying to walk. Boy can he fly. He has learned to wave hi and bye and has learned lots of new sounds (Squealing is the least of my favorites).

He also took his first zoo trip. See how cute he is.

He also learned (more like his daddy taught him) to stick out his tongue like KISS. Aren't my boys something else.

He is growing up so fast. So many times I find myself busy and unable to really enjoy the times I have with him. Things can wait. My beautiful baby boy can't. Mommy loves you, Elijah Logan.

1 comment:

Susannah said...

Hilarious!!! Happy 10 months big boy!