Sunday, March 22, 2009

The winds of change and Break through

Well, I know as you grow older things change. In my case it is my eyesight. I found out yesterday that my headaches are caused from my farsightedness. I went for an eye exam because my eye has been twitching. Come to find out, the twitch is from stress and fatique. Oh well, being a school teacher and mom I am not about to get rid of either very soon. I am went today to pick out my glasses. I got suckered. I went in to look at the $99.95 glasses and 2 for $99.99. Of course, they were UGLY. I am no fashionista but I do know those were not for me. I love my glasses. I am not one to normally go for red but what do you think.

I don't need them all the time only when I read and work at the computer. With Elijah, I made sure they could withstand constant grabbing from lttle hand.

On a different subject, my little one is NO longer toothless. We have on little tooth that just broke through the skin. I am ecstatic. He is 10 1/2 months and is just now getting a tooth. I am hoping more are on their way.

Prayer request: A co-worker of Susannah and myself lost her husband on Friday. Would you please pray that the Lord of all things bring peace and comfort to the Davis family. We love you Mrs. Davis. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.

1 comment:

Lillian said...

I didn't know one of your friends lost her husband. I will be praying for her! I can only imagine.