Sunday, December 7, 2008

Christmas : Ready and Waiting

I am so looking forward to this Christmas season because it is Elijah's first Christmas. We have all his outfits picked out for the respective houses and are waiting for Christmas to come. We actually only have a week and a half before we are going home for the holidays. My sister is graduating for nursing school on the 20th so we are headed to the cold state of Kentucky.

From time to time get in the mode to dress my son up and photograph him. This time, I made him pose for Christmas pictures. I think they turned out pretty good. What do you think?

What a face.

How about this one?

Or this?

I am kind of passionate about taking pictures of my son. Here are a few more I particularly like.

Also, here is a Christmas ornament that I made out of clay. This was a last resort. I wanted to use the clay to make an ornament with his hand prints but I couldn't get it to go deep enough to see the hand print.

1 comment:

Lillian said...

I am getting excited about it. We are putting up our tree hopefully this week. Along with lights outside. First time to do that. Jake wanted to do it. I have already started wrapping our gifts that we have so far. Just got to get going on all of it. At least this is the last week of school!!!